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Master 8 VPS Finger Pick (Made in Japan) | 結他食指撥片 (日本製造) M

Master 8 VPS Finger Pick (Made in Japan) | 結他食指撥片 (日本製造)


Master 8


VPS PICK (Various Picking Styles) 是戴在「食指」上的撥片,可讓您同時使用傳統的平撥片和 3 指彈撥等風格。

正如產品名稱「多種撥弦風格」所暗示的那樣,它是一個極大擴展了音樂表達可能性的項目。 它不僅是結他手必看的撥片,也是低音結他手的必備撥片,因為它可以讓您在撥片、兩指和拍擊演奏之間無縫切換。



可選擇中或大 尺寸


INFINIX-U series

VPS PICK (Various Picking Styles) is a type that is worn on the "index finger" and allows you to instantly switch between the traditional flat pick stroke style and finger picks such as 3-finger arpeggios.


As the product name "Various Picking Styles" suggests, it is an item that greatly expands the possibilities of musical expression. It's a must-see pick not only for guitarists, but also for bassists, as it allows you to seamlessly switch between playing with a pick, 2-finger, and slap.


VPS pick is made of INFINIX-U, the latest material that achieves excellent rigidity, sound rise, and string separation.


Available in M and L size

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