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Music Nomad F-ONE Fretboard Care Kit | 指板清潔套裝 MN125

Music Nomad F-ONE Fretboard Care Kit | 指板清潔套裝 MN125

SKU: MN125

Music Nomad

套裝包括:F-ONE,Fretboard Brush,2 in 1 Microfiber Cloth



由天然植物及種子油提煉而成。不含具有酸性或會傷害指板的成分(檸檬油及矽、臘、石油、水等),因此任何指板 (楓木,玫瑰木,紫檀木 或未上漆的指板) 都可安心的長期使用。

**此款亦為大廠Tom Anderson指定使用與強力推薦**


Fretboard Brush


具有“ V-Cut”刷毛和塑膠刮板設計


2合1 Microfiber Fretboard Cloth





Package includes F-ONE,Fretboard Brush,2 in 1 Microfiber Cloth



Using a complex mixture of the finest ultra refined tree and seed oils. Does not contain any d-limonene, waxes, petroleum distillates, silicone, or water, suitable to use on all fingerboard (unfinished rosewood, ebony and maple fretboards).

It leaves your fretboard looking new, playing great and feeling smooth, never sticky or tacky.

**F-One is recommended and used by Tom Anderson**


Fretboard Brush

Perfect tool for precision cleaning, conditioning around the frets and deeper wood pores.

Featuring “V-Cut" bristle design and bonus plastic scraper.


2 in 1 Microfiber Fretboard Cloth

One side is soft for gentle applying & cleaning with F-ONE, while the other side is designed with small scrubbers woven into the fabric to penetrate & lift dirt & grime buildup off the fretboard

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