Los Cabos 7A Drumsticks | 7A鼓棍
Los Cabos Drumsticks
7A - L:15.5" D:0.543"
楓木 - 使用業界公認最佳的加拿大楓木製造質地較為輕柔,手感靈活快速,音色清脆。
胡桃木 - 美國南部頂級的胡桃木, 擁有絕佳的品質與手感,高耐用度,音色結實響亮。
紅胡桃木 - 獨家使用胡桃樹的中心製造,能進一步提高密度而不會令重量提高極高的耐用度,音色扎實響亮。
Available in
Maple - Made from Canadian's MapleSoft texture, light feel, gives a clear tone.
Hickory - Made from South America's Hickory. Have great feel and quality, can last longer, gives a strong and bright tone.
Red Hickory - Exclusively made from the center of a Hickory tree, have higher density without gaining weight. Last longer, gives a strong and bright tone.