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Gator Cableworks Instrument Cable (jack cable) | 導線 - 雙直頭 - 10 Feet

Gator Cableworks Instrument Cable (jack cable) | 導線 - 雙直頭 / 直彎頭 - 10 Feet


Gator Cableworks

適用於 結他 / 電子鼓 / 電子琴


Headliner 系列是 Cableworks 的優質導線產品,採用性能最佳、電容最低的導體,可提供最佳的訊號傳輸。導線頭採用堅固耐用的設計,並以 TORI Color ID 環為亮點,以便在使用多組導線時輕鬆識別


內襯電纜包覆在堅固、柔韌的 PVC 護套中,形成極其耐用且可靠的導線,能夠經受時間的考驗。


- 低電容 - 允許更多訊號流並避免頻率下降

- 細絞合 99.99% 無氧銅四芯導體,附編織屏蔽

- 黃銅鍍金插頭

- 正在申請專利的 Cableworks 專有連接器

- TORIColor ID 環便於使用多條電纜時識別

- 用於安全電線連接的卡盤式應力消除電纜夾

- 附贈收納袋,方便整理

- 有限終身更換保固


Works perfectly with Guitar / Keybaord / Electric Drum Kit


The Headliner Series is Gator Cableworks' premium cable product, using the highest performing, lowest capacitance conductors to provide optimal signal transfer. Connectors feature a rugged design and are highlighted with a TORI Color ID ring for easy identification when using multiple sets of leads


The cable is encased in a tough, flexible PVC jacket, creating an extremely durable and reliable conductor that will stand the test of time.



- Low Capacitance Allows More Signal Flow and Avoids Frequency Roll-Off

- Fine Stranded 99.99% Oxygen Free Copper Quad Core Conductor with Braided Shielding

- Brass, Gold Plated Plugs

- Patent Pending Cableworks Proprietary Connectors

- TORIColor ID Rings for Easy Identification When Using Multiple Cables

- Chuck-Style Strain Relief Cable Clamp for Secure Wire Connections

- Storage Bag Included for Organization

- Limited Lifetime Replacement Warranty

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