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Master 8 D801S Hard Grip Tear Drop Guitar Pick (Made in Japan) | D801S 防滑結他撥片

Master 8 D801S Hard Grip Guitar Pick (Made in Japan) | 防滑結他撥片 (日本製造)


Master 8

D801S 防滑系列

日本製造, 採用 Duracon® 材料製成,是撥片的代表性材料。


D801 撥片可為結他和低音結他產生出色的起音和快速音色。


型號 Model:

Tear Drop - 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1mm

Triangle - 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1mm

Jazz - 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm


D801S Hard Grip series (Non slip)

Made in Japan. Made with Duracon® material, which is a representative material for picks. 

During the polishing process, the edges of the sides are left as long as possible for easier impacting the wound strings. 

D801 pick generates great attack sounds and fast pronunciation for both guitars and basses.


Comes in 0.6mm, 0.8mm and 1mm

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