Master 8 INFINIX Thumb Pick (Made in Japan) | 結他姆指撥片 (日本製造)
Master 8
INFINIX具有出色的柔韌性、形狀記憶和耐磨性, 比起一般普通塑膠產生的撥弦噪音更小,而且它對琴弦的黏性也很好。 它耐磨損,即使長時間演奏,撥片也不會磨損。
此外,這款Hard Polish系列採用新的拋光方法,在發揮低噪音和優異耐磨性的同時,創造出溫和而強勁的聲音。
有 M 或 L 尺寸 和3 種顏色可供選擇 - 綠, 紫, 黃
Introducing thumb picks from the new material INFINIX series.
INFINIX is a new material that is a special plastic used for the first time in the history of guitar picks and has excellent flexibility, shape memory, and abrasion resistance.INFINIX makes less picking noise than the normal plastic used for other picks, and it also sticks very well to strings. It is resistant to wear and tear, and the pick does not wear off even when playing for long periods of time, so you can play with the same nuance.
In addition, this Hard Polish series uses a new polishing method to create a warmer sound, low picking noise and excellent wear resistance.
Available in M and L size and comes in 3 colours - Green Purple and Yellow